
Why a whitelabel SMS platform?

Through a whitelabel SMS portal, you can create an unlimited number of SMS accounts. You can modify or add settings per SMS account, allowing you to fully manage the permissions for each SMS account. You will access your own SMS portal via your own domain (web URL) or intranet. You can send SMS messages from the portal or via email with a unique self-chosen Keyword.


Functionality of a whitelabel SMS platform

  • Sending and receiving (bulk) SMS message
  • Multilingual portal (English and Dutch)
  • Unlimited number of accounts
  • Setting up auto-reply texts
  • Setting up disclaimers
  • Integration with your own CRM/ERP software
  • Invoice overview
  • User module
  • Reports
  • SMS campaign planner
  • Setting up sender information

More information about white label SMS platform:

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